An interesting ECG case -inferior STEMI with RV involvement

STEMI in a young smoker

  • Male, aged 32, smoker for 10 years

  • Severe chest pain of sudden onset, radiating to the left arm and jaw, associated with dizziness

  • Blood pressure: 90/50 mmHg, heart rate: 82 bpm, respiratory rate: 18 breaths per minute, oxygen saturation: 98% on room air

  • Jugular venous pressure to angle of jaw, lungs clear


SOURCE: (Example 2)

Let’s walk through this ECG together: 

  1. First degree AV Block

  2. Isoelectric ST segment in V1 with marked ST depression in V2

  3. ST elevation in III > II, in keeping with inferior STEMI

  4. Diagnosis RV infarction confirmed by ST elevation in the right-sided leads (V4R)

Presentation and hemodynamics:

  1. The blood pressure is low

  2. No hypoxia, chest clear

  3. Elevated venous pressure

Clinical Significance of RV Infarction:

  • RV infarction complicates up to 40% of inferior STEMIs (isolated RV infarction is extremely uncommon)

  • These patients are very preload sensitive (due to poor RV contractility) 

  • Nitrate may provoke severe hypotension

  • Hypotension in RV infarction is treated with fluid loading

STEMI under the age of 45 years accounts for 6% to 10% of all myocardial infarctions. 

Smoking is the most prevalent modifiable risk factor in 30–49-year-old STEMI patients (74% vs. hypertension 15%, hyperlipidemia 10% and diabetes 7%).

Smoking is a significant risk factor for the development of STEMI by:

  • Promoting formation of fatty plaques in coronary arteries

  • Increasing platelet aggregation and coronary blood clot formation

  • Reducing oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, thereby increasing myocardial ischemia

  • Causes vasoconstriction, impairing endothelial function, reducing blood flow to the heart

One more consideration in the young:

Consider recent use of cocaine in young STEMI patients. Beta-blockers should not be administered to patients with STEMI precipitated by cocaine use because of the risk of exacerbating coronary spasm.


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International Self-Care Day: July 24