Update on Canada’s Guidelines on Alcohol Consumption

The Bottom Line:


·      Avoid any type of alcohol consumption if you:

o   Are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding,

o   Have certain medical conditions, such as certain liver diseases,

o   Take medications that negatively interact with alcohol,

o   Are underage,

o   Have a history of alcohol use disorder or difficulty controlling alcohol intake.

o   Ate driving, operating machinery or using dangerous tools,

o   Are responsible for the safety of others,

o   Are making important decisions

·      The more a person drinks the greater risk of harm to themselves and others.

·      There is no safe level t of alcohol intake.

·      If you don’t drink, don’t start.

·      Limit alcohol intake to 1-2 standard drinks per week.

·      Well informed patients are more likely to make responsible decisions related to alcohol.


What is a Standard Drink?


A standard drink contains 17.05 ml of pure alcohol, which is approximately:


·      Beer: 341 ml (12 oz) at 5% alcohol

·      Cooler, cider, ready-to-drink beverages: 341 ml (12 oz) at 5% alcohol

·      Wine: 142 ml (5 oz) at 12% alcohol

·      Spirits (whisky, vodka, gin, etc.): 43 ml (1.5 oz) at 40% alcohol


Continuum of Risk


·      Excessive alcohol consumption is a leading cause of premature death.

·      Heavy drinking increases the risk of harming others.

·      Sex, and gender differences exist in alcohol-related risks and harms.

·      Alcohol is a risk factor for:

o   Hypertension, heat failure, atrial fibrillation, and hemorrhagic stroke.

o   Certain cancers, including breast and colon.

Reproduced with permission from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.



This is not meant to be an exhaustive review of the topic. For more information please refer to the references below.


Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. (January, 2023). Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health: Final Report (go to www.ccsa.ca to request a copy of the report).


Centre for Disease Control. Alcohol Use.  Alcohol Use | Alcohol Use | CDC


Greaves, L., Poole, N., & Brabete, A.C. (2024). Sex, gender and alcohol: implications for males, men and the communication of risk. Journal of Men’s Health 2024 vol.20(10), 8-23. doi:10.22514/jomh.2024.163


Wood, E., Bright, J., et al. (2023) Canadian guideline for the clinical management of high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder. CMAJ October 16, 2023 195 (40) E1364-E1379. doi: https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.230715


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