Patient Voices: Christie’s Story

Christie is a heart attack survivor who was treated at St. Boniface Hospital in 2021. Eager to share her story, this is her experience of a heart attack, in her own words. 

“I never thought that I would be having a heart attack at my age, but I did.

After a busy but otherwise normal day I suddenly felt a sharp, shooting pain between my ears, around my jaw area. My hands became clammy, and I started sweating. I just didn’t feel right. Then my jaw locked, both arms started aching, and within seconds, I felt like I was losing my ability to speak. My husband noticed something was wrong and sat me down. I became extremely nauseated, the pain in my jaw worsened, my back ached, and my hands cramped up. I thought, “I’m 39 and healthy, this can’t be a heart attack!”

My husband called 9-1-1.

The ambulance arrived within minutes, and an ECG confirmed I was having a heart attack. En route to the hospital, the paramedics treated me and assured me I was safe. A care team was on standby at St. Boniface Hospital and ready to take me into the cardiac cath lab. Their words calmed me and made that 45-minute ride seem not so scary.

That day, I learned why it’s so important to know the signs of a heart attack - not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. If I’d tried to drive myself to the hospital, there would have been no one to confirm it was a heart attack, no one to administer medication or ease my anxiety, all which could have meant even more damage to my heart.

Because my husband made the decision to call 9-1-1 that day, I survived, and my three children still have their mother.

I wish people knew that an ambulance is much more than a faster ride to the hospital. It’s a mobile care centre with specially trained professionals — and it can mean the difference between life and death. Time is muscle. Paramedics are there to help, so please, call 9-1-1 and let them help you.”


Have you survived a heart attack, or know someone who would be eager to share their story? We’re always looking for new Patient Voices stories to feature. Reach out to Jess, Media Communications Specialist, at to get in touch. 

Christie’s story will also be featured in the Fall edition of Believe, the St. Boniface Hospital Foundation’s newsletter. To see more, visit


An ECG Case:  The importance of repeating an ECG in the first 2 hours… even if a patient is chest pain-free.


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