Dial Don’t Drive campaign - an update and a chance to WIN!
Our current Dial Don’t Drive campaign focuses on educating residents of Manitoba and beyond on what a heart attack is, the signs and symptoms, and what you should do if you or a loved one are having one. We are using our social media networks to spread the message about the importance of dialing 911 for a heart attack.
Since the start of 2023, we’ve had traditional promotional ads in the Winnipeg Free Press twice, both on the front page of Saturday issues. Keep an eye out for another ad of ours on this Friday, February 10th!
In addition to the Winnipeg Free Press, our network has secured a contract with Pattison advertising through Winnipeg Transit. You’ll see Dial, Don’t Drive ad spots on buses throughout the city, on a variety of routes, beginning on February 20th.
A few coffees on us
Want a chance to win a $15 Tim Horton’s card?! Snap a picture of our bus ad if you see it while out and about. The first one to send it to us wins the Tim card! You can submit it through a direct message on our social media account (Instagram or Facebook) @mbacsnetwork, or through email to mbacsnetwork@gmail.com. Winner will be posted on our social media, and contacted to arrange card pick up! Good luck to those who participate, but please be mindful of safety! Don’t snap your picture while driving.